Press Release
Iraq Announces Extension of Period for Submission of
Commercial Claims to 15 April 2005
Baghdad, Iraq
The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq today announced
that Iraq is extending until 15 April 2005 the period for submission of
claims by any commercial creditors (including financial institution
creditors) who believe they may be a creditor of Iraq.
In light of the volume of submissions received so far, Iraq has agreed
to this request from parties that are still compiling and preparing the
necessary documentation.
Only those claims that have been submitted and reconciled will be
eligible for inclusion in any offer Iraq makes in connection with those
claims. Since reconciliation with Iraq’s own records must precede any
offer by Iraq, any non-government parties who believe they may be a
creditor of Iraq or hold commercial claims against Iraq are strongly
encouraged to consult the Request for Information regarding commercial
claims on the World Wide Web at
www.eyidro.com , and to submit their claims at the earliest possible
opportunity but no later than 15 April 2005.
In order to obtain further information, the website requires that such
parties register to obtain a password, and thereby gain access to the
site details. Further available information of assistance to holders of
claims is available on the website. Questions may be addressed to Ernst
& Young, Iraq’s debt reconciliation agents, at the Iraq Debt
Reconciliation Office in Amman at
idro@ammrsiesd.com , +962-6-5509001.
Neither this release nor the Request for Information (RFI) constitute an
offer by the Republic of Iraq or by any other party to restructure or
exchange any outstanding claims, nor do they constitute an admission or
acknowledgement of any such claim, or an acknowledgement that any such
claim exists or has been revived or reinstated, or an express or implied
promise to pay any such claim or any part thereof. This release and the
RFI are expressly made without prejudice. All defenses available to the
Republic of Iraq and any other party based upon any applicable statute
of limitations or otherwise are expressly preserved. This release and
the RFI may not be relied upon as evidence of the existence of any claim
or the willingness or ability of the Republic of Iraq or any party to
pay any such claim.